- 相關推薦
1.W ill you please give US a self-introduction? 有些學生可能由于緊張沒聽清問題便開始背誦論文的內容,結果造成答非所問。
2.Give US a presentation of your thesis.有些學生一聽到‘thesis’便詳細而又不理解地背誦其論文內容,在被打斷之后便不知該說什么。其實,考官只是想知道你對論文的總體了解,讓你簡單闡明自己論文的內容與觀點。
3.Why do you choose such a theme?/W hat do you want the reader get from your thesis? 對于這個問題,你可以談談你的喜好,你想要讀者從中得到什么。
4.What is the uniqueness of your point of view?對于這個問題,你可以談談你的觀點與他人不同之處及原因。這就要求你有相關知識。
1.In your essay there is a sentence:"With the development of economics,it is necessary for the countries all over the world to communication with each other.”Is there anything wrong with this sentence? Or "Another major difference in western countries,There is related to the traditional culture and religious belief marriage is generally related to them.”W hat is the meaning of this sentence?
考官問這一問題,是因為你的句子有明顯的語法錯誤。提醒你應該弄明白句子的基本語法,寫論文時應該認真細致。如果是筆誤,你應該馬上發現此句中的錯誤之處。economics應是economy,to communication with each other 應是 to communicate with each other, 另一個句子應該是Another major difference in the western marriage is related to their traditional culture and religious belief
2.You say "I believe that after some years there will be no difference in nation, color of skin, culture and language.” Is it possible? Can people all over the world live in the same nation and have the same color of skin,the same culture and language? 這一問題是考查你頭腦是否清楚。全世界的人怎么能是同一膚色,講同一種語言呢?事實上,你沒能正確地表達你的意思。你要表達的意思應該是:As there will be more communication and cultural exchanges between peoples all over the world,people will understand each other better and there will be some changes in their culture and customs.
3.Do people in America throw rice to the newly wed couple at the wedding ceremony? Do you have any evidence? 提出這一問題是考查你的相關知識。既然把它作為論文來研究,必然要了解很多相關的知識,而且一定有論據來支持你的觀點。為使論文有說服力,寫論文時應閱讀大量相關書籍。
4.You have mentioned the Traditional Chinese Wedding.Does it only belong to Chinese minor ethnic group or to the general? 這一問題是考查你在利用某種素材時是否認真思考過。你所描述的應該是中國普遍的婚俗而不是某一地區、某一少數民族的婚俗,因為中國有很多少數民族,而他們有著自己很獨特的婚俗。
5.In your essay you described both the traditional and the modern wedding in English speaking countries, esp,U.S.and Britain.Why not the modem wedding in China?你的論文的目的應該是促進全球文化交流,但你僅僅描述一種在中國少見的婚俗,卻大量描述了西方的傳統和現代的婚俗,這在結構上失衡,還會誤導讀者,不僅起不到全球文化交流的作用,還會使人們對中國文化產生誤解。這里只是就一篇論文為例,來直觀地說明在寫論文和答辯時應該注意的事項,大家可以舉一反三。