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摘要:隨著Internet的高速發展,基于網絡的B/S(Browser/Server)結構的應用程序得到越來越廣泛的應用。本次設計運用ASP技術和數據庫知識,開發基于WEB的網絡考試系統。該系統主要實現對網絡考試系統分模塊進行設計,和對各子系統進行各類統計生成成績布圖等,還能按照給定的順序進行排列,并對試題,考試考生信息進行維護。該系統用戶分為管理員和考生兩類,管理員功能包括科目管理、試卷管理、生成試卷、新聞發布等選項,可以增、刪、改、查題目、考生信息等功能。考生功能包括修改密碼、登陸界面、進行考試及查詢成績等情況。做到使網絡考試工作系統化、規范化、自動化。綜合各方面知識,開發系統采用MicroSoft Office FrontPage 2003開發工具,結合ASP技術設計界面,后臺數據庫使用SQL Server 2000。
關鍵詞:網絡考試系統;ASP;WEB;SQL Server 2000
The Network Examination System Based on WEB
Abstract : With the rapid development of Internet and Web-based B/S (Browser/Server) Structural applications are increasingly wide application. ASP technology and the design of this database knowledge, Web examination system based on the development of the network. The system primarily to the examination system on the network of sub-module design, And the generation of the subsystems for various statistical results cloth map, but according to the order of rank, and test and maintenance information Examination Users of the system managers and candidates into two categories, including functional managers subjects management, paper management, generated papers, press releases and other choice ,Could increase, delete, change, and examine topics, the candidates information functions. Candidates functions include changes passwords, landing interface, examinations and enquiries results. Network to enable systematic examination work, standardization, and automation. Summing up all the knowledge, the development of systems using MicroSoft Office FrontPage 2003 development tools, combining ASP technical design interface, use SQL Server 2000 database background.
Examination papers briefed on network systems project background and significance, outlined some of the relevant databases and ASP that focuses on the development of the system to achieve The demand for system analysis, functional design, detailed design, system testing all stages of a detailed analysis and description.
Keywords : examination system ;ASP ;WEB;SQL Server 2000